

Zach and Alexa are two young CrossFitters traveling across North America in search of eye-opening adventures and ass-kicking workouts.  Jumping from box to box, they hope to experience the CrossFit community and all that it entails, while also satisfying the human body’s natural instinct to move.  Armed with backpacks, Reebok Nanos, and gas money- a scaled amount, not Rx’d- they intend to use this blog as a means to connect with and give back to the very community that inspired them to take this trip in the first place.



10 thoughts on “About

  1. Just saw your post about your drop-in to CF Naptown…I’m dropping in there tomorrow. Not sure if you’re travels are taking you out near Iowa but if you’re in Des Moines feel free to drop-in to our box, Crossfit HardStyle.


  2. Hey Lex giving all my Cross Fit friends your blog so they can follow you. When you make it down to Florida, you definitely have a place to stay in Miami and some home cooked meals !!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi there!! My friend, Jen Hayman, just told me about your adventure! (She goes to your box in Ohio:)) Really looking forward to following you on this journey! I’ve moved out to Colorado now and am just doing the garage gym gig at the moment to save moolah, but last time I lived out here I went to CrossFit Verve!:) And hope to go back soon! (If you’re looking for CO recoomendations, its great!) You can find me on http://www.mouthfulblog.com, @Erin_Eats on twitter and @e24weber on IG! I’ll be following 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Erin!
      Thanks so much for reading about our adventures! We love Jen and we will be sure to check out the famous CrossFit Verve when we get out to Colorado. Just linked up with you on IG and Twitter, we look forward to following you as well!

      -Zach and Alexa


  4. Hi Guys,

    Enjoyed meeting y’all today at Reebok CrossFit One. Zach thanks for pushing this old guy during the partner WOD. FYI your email bounced back to me. Email me at tmeckhart@gmail.com I hope you enjoy your lifters! You were doing them proud!

    Best Regards,
    Titus 2:2


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